We have been fortunate to work with a great group of talented individuals who not only create their own incredible outfits for Comic Cons and Sci Fi conventions, but also donate their time to children’s hospitals, Charity walks and many other great causes throughout the year.

1992 Session of Tim Morway as Batman and Richard Roberts as Robin

Adam Vera as the Man of Steel

Krysten Mallett as the Warrior Princess of Themyscira

Matches Malone , the best Dark Knight! He is tireless in donating his time and energy where ever and whenever he is needed. A True Hero

The Beautiful Kuno Yuro as Poison Ivy

Raymond Ramos, Shot at Boston Comic Con 2014

Peter " Thwip " Milo as Spidey

The Lovely Lisa Phalstaf as the Ghost Rider Make-Up by Tony Phalstaf

Sean Feeney as the Prince of Asgard

The very talented Ariel aka ( Khepera Von Stitches ) as Evil Lin ( He-Man )

Kristy Gibson

Matches Malone and Kuno Yuro

Staci Ann

Kristy Gibson


Claire & Joy

Staci Ann

the Lovely Molly Virello

Gwen Pool - Molly Virello Spidy - Staci Ann

Sean Feeney

Carley Winn

Jason Schachter & Matt Irizarry

Bradliegh Rhodes

Bradliegh Rhodes

Jenna Wayen

Joze Diaz as the God of the Sea.

Jamie Dolan

Casey Maranda